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  Manduca florestan (Stoll, [1782]) - detailed info (hide)...
Class: Insecta (Arthropoda - Hexapoda)
Order: Lepidoptera
Family: Sphingidae
Species: Manduca florestan (Stoll, [1782])
Synonyms:   = Diludia brevimargo Butler, 1875
  = Manduca argentinica (Daniel, 1949)
  = Manduca brevimargo Butler, 1875
  = Manduca cabnal Schaus, 1932
  = Manduca maricina (Schaus, [1941])
  = Manduca vogli (Daniel, 1949)
  = Protoparce florestan argentinica Daniel, 1949
  = Protoparce florestan cabnal Schaus, 1932
  = Protoparce florestan r. cabnal Schaus, 1932
  = Protoparce florestan vogli Daniel, 1949
  = Protoparce maricina Schaus, 1941
  = Sphinx florestan Stoll, [1782]
Similar species: < not specified >
Foodlinks:   Aegiphylla martinicensis
Callicarpa acuminata
Callichlamys latifolia
Chionentis panamensis
Citharexylum costaricensis
Cordia alliodora
Cordia panamensis
Crescentia alata
Cydista diversifolia
Cydista heterophylla
Lantana camara
Macfadyena unguis-cati
Pyrostegia venusta
Stachytarpheta frantzii
Tabebuia ochracea
Vitex megapotamica
Checklists: < not specified >
Аргентина, Белиз, Боливия, Бразилия, Венесуэла, Гватемала, Колумбия, Коста-Рика, Мексика, Никарагуа, Парагвай, Перу, Суринам, США (Аризона), США (Нью-Мексико), США (Техас), Тринидад и Тобаго, Французская Гвиана, Центральная Америка, Эквадор.
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Manduca florestan

Manduca florestan
Gender: FemaleDorsal
31.03.23 13:53 Guest account
General Proaño, Provincia de Morona-Sa...
Views: 103 No comments
Manduca florestan

Manduca florestan
Gender: MaleVentral
29.03.23 15:04 Guest account
General Proaño, Provincia de Morona-Sa...
Views: 107 No comments
Manduca florestan

Manduca florestan
Gender: MaleDorsal
29.03.23 15:03 Guest account
General Proaño, Provincia de Morona-Sa...
Views: 95 No comments

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